The (very) bad news is that Lelanie and Pierre, our wonderful helpers who have been here for the last month, are heading off to warmer climates. Damn this cold weather! The good news? They are promising to come back at the beginning of summer!

Lelanie and Pierre arrived at a time when we were particularly busy, with a whole heap of new joeys arriving in close succession. We were mightily grateful that they picked up the routine so quickly, given their prior macropod caring experience (see our earlier post).
These two were absolutely SMITTEN by the joeys, and loved them dearly. They knew every little one’s needs and wants and monitored their health astutely. And to our great delight, they jumped in head over heels for midnight feeds and were up bright and early every morning for breakfast feeds. What commitment!
The joeys and humans at Araucaria will miss these two immensely and are holding them to their promise of returning.
Thank you Lelanie and Pierre for being such awesome people and helping us so much during your stay.