Wildlife carers would all agree that pinky joeys aren’t easy to care for. Essentially little premature babies, most have been orphaned in car accidents or other highly stressful circumstances. Often they are compromised before they reach us – cold, stressed, dehydrated. Once in care they need round the clock feeds of the right milk, precise temperature regulation, lots of hydration and even then not all of them adjust well to being away from their mums.
So when we have a little pinky who excels in care, we get a bit proud!

Little Pitter Patter (a red-necked wallaby) was found still in his dead mum’s pouch by a friend and WIRES colleague, Patricia (Pat), on her way to work. She immediately turned around and brought the little orphan to us. At the time his ears were still stuck down on the top of his head, but his eyes were open which means he had a reasonable chance.
That was two and a half weeks ago, and Pitter Patter is still doing well. We are tired from the two middle of the night feeds, but it is worth it to see him thriving!