It has been a whirlwind past week and we are only just finding a chance to welcome Lelanie and Pierre to Araucaria Sanctuary! We are just so grateful to have them here as it has been a super busy time.
Lelanie and Pierre arrived just in time, with quite a few new animals coming into care, including a couple of intensive care joeys.
This gorgeous couple “hit the ground running”, having raised a little joey themselves when staying at a remote station in Queensland. They quickly got to know all the Infants mob and even wake for midnight feeds!
It is a very special day for Lelanie and Pierre today – the anniversary of their little Agile Wallaby joey, Peanut, coming into care with them. This amazing couple raised Peanut from a little pinky right through to release, with no training and minimal resources, hours drive from anywhere. So no wonder they are complete naturals with our mob!
In honour of little Peanut we are sharing some gorgeous pictures of him.
But we can’t let Peanut have all the lime light… so here are some pictures of our own joeys in care.
Puppet and Wally – Best friends Lelanie with one of the new joeys – Pecan (named in honour of Peanut) Pierre with Puppet Evie 2 enjoying a post-bottle cuddle Hawk and Wally
And a big sing out to Romy who has taken on primary care of three of the new little ones. So we are all doing night feeds! Here are two of Romy’s current charges.
Sparrow the Swamp Wallaby. She came into care very malnourished but is doing famously in Romy’s care Little Bruno the Pademelon. Rescued by Ciannait and now in primary care with Romy. (thanks for the photo Ciannait)
Acknowledging two other joeys in care this week – Crumb who came in very very sick and Pod who was very young. We did our best to save them both but sadly not all little ones make it.