Well, it isn’t just Lismore that is having to consider evacuating low lying areas and moving to higher ground. The many months of wet weather have taken their toll on our main macropod release yard, causing health issues for our joeys. Despite being extremely busy dealing with flood damage issues in town, we had to “drop everything” for almost 2 weeks and erect a new release yard further up the hill.

We were able to use the Branch’s temporary release yard panels (which had to be dismantled and moved from another site), and this enabled us to put up the fence relatively quickly. However the big job was to then build a shelter and add predator proofing.

We are forever grateful to AireNet Australia who approached us to offer a donation, and were willing to fund the purchase of some Cool Room Panels used to construct the house. Their generosity and eagerness to support us made a huge difference in the time it took to construct an affordable, insulated house.

In a quirky twist of fate, the panels came from a well-loved former cafe in the Lismore area… Goanna Bakery. So along with the Panels we have their historical sign… which we have ironically been able to use to add to the Goanna proofing around the outside of the yard.
However, we need to make sure our reptile “friends” know that this is NOT where Goannas come for brunch, but rather send a message that any Goanna attempting to enter will potentially find themselves made into a specialty pastry!
Just when we had almost finished wrapping the yard with sheet iron to stop the Goannas, another challenge made itself evident, with a Wedgetail Eagle checking out the enclosure from above. So we added raptor deterrent netting, and hope this is enough to send a clear message that they are also not welcome at the sunny, dry “Bakery”.

We couldn’t have retained our sanity and achieved this build in the short space of time without the amazing support of our wonderful Sanctuary Friends. In particular we thank Amanda, who gave up many, many days to help us; and Vanessa who assisted on her few days off work. We are also very lucky to have a new helper staying at the Sanctuary – Tess – who jumped in to assist, and took the main running on planting out some shrubs and grasses in the pen. All in all, a big team effort.
Guava, Wampi, Cotton and Kiwi moved into the pen yesterday and seem very happy with the new accommodation. The move will enable us to spell our original Primary and High School yards and undertake some maintenance over the coming year.