This week we have been so very fortunate to have amazing wildlife carer colleagues from far and wide arrive in our area to distribute donations. These are being shared amongst the various wildlife groups in our area. We have also offered to help distribute some from our Sanctuary to other nearby wildlife carers.

This has also been a wonderful way to network with macropod carers from other regions. We had an amazing visit from Shai Ager from The Agile Wallaby Project, who has travelled down all the way from Cairns with supplies. We could have talked for days! And hope we will be able to if she returns for a threatened visit.

A HUGE shout out to both Humane Society International and The Rescue Collective for all their donations and for supporting Shai’s visit.
Also an enormous thank you also to Sarah Hart who, with a collegue, travelled up from Victoria with supplies. Although we didn’t catch up directly we know many wildlife carers in the area are benefitting from their huge effort and deliveries.
Also a big shout out to Phil Kemsley, our District Vet, (AND his wife!) who have also been sorting and distributing wildlife supplies, amongst all the other exhausting roles he has been playing during the flood disaster. Thank you both!